As an NGO without any government funding, Fruitful Rescue Centre is grateful to its supporters, who provide financial and other forms of support which enable Fruitful to serve children every day.

INGEAR (INitiative GEgen ARmut e. V.)

INGEAR is a German NGO which aims to assist disadvantaged and poor people in the global South, by raising funds through donations from private individuals and organizations. It supports Fruitful by providing funding for food for children who live at the centre, as well as teacher salaries.

Individual donors

Fruitful has received donations from individuals around the world. It recognizes the following individuals who have given recently on and offline:

Community supporters

Fruitful has strong relationships with members of its community, including:

  • Local churches, which send pastors and church members to the centre to provide religious education and counselling to the children, and also sometimes invite children to participate camps while schools are closed.

  • Chief/Assistant chiefs (local government), who ensure that Fruitful has security.

  • District Officers (local government), who refer children in need of care to Fruitful.

  • Ministry of Health, which provides basic education on health promotion and disease prevention.

  • Carolina for Kibera (NGO), which assists the children in learning activities and developing talents through its youth development programs.